

I guess it's already pretty obvious, hehe. It's a new year and I feel like I should revive this blog (besides giving it a complete extreme makeover!). I have been learning a lot about make up (I'm no expert though) and I have a lot lot lot more than I did last year and I feel like there aren't enough product reviews out there, specially for japanese make up (my new found obsession). Aaand yeah, that's pretty much it! 

From now on I will be reviewing makeup I buy and some I already own. Maybe the occasional perfume and nail polish, etc. I don't know, we'll see how it goes. 


New York

So I really wanted to write about something, but since it has been a really boring and dull day, I thought I would just write about the best city I've ever been to, New York City.

I turned 18 this year, and unfortunately my mum had a business trip to Disney (yes, Disney) on the week before, so she had the GREAT idea of taking me with her (I'll make a post on Disney some other time). Now I've been to Disney before, and it was great and everything but it was never in my plans to go there again, not until I had children of my own at least. Never the less, I said yes and made the small suggestion of going to New York once her congress was over, to my surprise she said yes. 

My grandma and mum on the cab we took from the JFK airport.

We stayed in the Hilton Hotel located on 28th street, between the 7th and 6th Avenue, and it was beautiful. Here's a picture of all the stuff I bought (there was more in my suitcase though)

To my luck, the New York Public library was turning 100 years old! So they had a special art display that we very much enjoyed.

We went to both MoMA and the MET, I loved both of them. Greek Statues were by far my favourite piece of art.
Last but not least, one of the numerous street photos I took.

I can only say I still regret having stayed for such a short period of time, 6 days was not enough. I loved New York, and I can't wait to someday be back. It is such an amazing city, it stole my heart the moment I arrived. Someday New York, someday I'll be back for good.